Dogs Do Speak - You Nead To Hear

Dogs Do Speak - You Nead To Hear

Have you ever wondered what will it be like if our dogs could speak. How much magic it will bring to you if your fur baby can tell you what he feels. Well, dogs do tell us a lot with their body language.

Our furry friends have a lot to tell us when they wag their tail. Every style of wagging their tail suggests a unique behavior. We can easily identify the mood of our dog if we are able to observe the tail wagging pattern. Different Types of tail Wagging When the tail goes high it means that the dog is alert and excited. This can be because of some external factor like door bell ringing, some guests in our home or some suspicion activity detected by the dog. Tail pointing towards the earth means our pooch is submissive or concerned. This might indicate feeling of being alone or ignored. This might point towards some health issue as well. Tail moving in either direction very fast indicates that the dog is happy and wants to play. This indicates a jolly mood Tail moving slowly in either direction indicates that the dog is a bit lethargic and is not enthusiastic about anything you are pushing him to do. This indicates that dog might be sleepy but still trying hard to make you feel happy.